Thank you, Volunteers!
Hello Grandmont neighbors!
The cleanup in Ramsay Park was held Saturday, April 20, 2024. Clean-up began slightly before 9am with brisk weather and some snow flakes. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Smith family and friends who came and gave a lions effort in assisting with the park cleanup.
There were 13 of them and the majority of them do not live in Grandmont. In attendance from Grandmont – Home of Good Neighbors was Samantha Bonaparte, Danielle Jackson, Alex Han-Voth, Carly Adams, Kevin Johnson, Robert Patterson, Diane Patterson, Yolanda Burnett, Carla Smith and myself, Edward Smith. Thanks good neighbors for a job well done.
In addition, Jackie Thomason from Senator Cavanaugh’s office also helped in this effort. Twenty-one (21) volunteers put forth an amazing effort in making Ramsay Park look as it does today. A huge thank you to Steele Hughes, Brandon Whitfield and Karla Williamson from D1 who were instrumental in getting the tools dropped off and all 81 of the lawn and leaf bags picked up within 24hrs.
This program, held annually through the City of Detroit, is an excellent resource for our community, and I plan on being involved again next year. Ramsay Park is ready for use by the community.
Edward Smith
Ramsay Park