Things I’ve noticed in the neighborhood. More attention to detail seems evident in many of our homes. Thank you! It’s encouraging to see the many varieties of flowers, planters, baskets, and other attractive landscaping throughout Grandmont. And thank you to people who have “adopted” corners or planters. I always smile when passing the gargoyles, unique shutters, stonework, brick design, and other prominent architectural features (and uncommon in many cities) that are evident in our neighborhood and our GRDC communities. Have you noticed the Sea Serpent on Grandmont? Hint – you have to look up!
Of course, there’s always room to improve. As corner houses are the entranceways to our homes, we especially appreciate the attention to detail. There are a few corners (and other) houses that need to get with the program and are the exception to what we have come to expect of Grandmont residents and residences. At the very least, your grass and hedges should be cut and trimmed, front and rear -and weeds removed. Cars need to be parked on cement. No one should be looking at your garbage containers or bulk out after our pickup. Dogs need to be leashed when being walked – and their poop picked up if necessary! Car repair and commercial vehicles are not allowed in our R1-R2 zoned neighborhood. These are basic “good housekeeping” rules that should be easy to do and a “no-brainer” as they say. Small attention to detail adds big value to legacy, quality of life, property values and name recognition in a positive way for the Grandmont Community. Pledge to do better and act now. Teach your children to help so they will be prepared for a better, healthy future. Be the solution and not the problem.
Diane Patterson