
The Grandmont Community Association Scholarship Committee sponsored its first college expo in collaboration with the GCA Youth and Education Committee. This event was held Saturday, January 18, 2025 at the Redford Branch Detroit Public Library. Our young people had the opportunity to meet with college and university representatives to discuss degree programs, financial aid, scholarships, sports and college life in general. In addition, several community organizations supported this event. It was a pleasure to have in attendance Wayne County Commissioner Alisha Bell, Wayne County Commissioner Monique Baker McCormick, Detroit Police Officer Jamielyn Love, and Detroit City Council-District 1 Office of President Pro Tempore James E. Tate Jr. Liaison Lynn McNeal.  The Grandmont Scholarship Committee and other Grandmont Residents participated. A special thanks to the following: Debra McIntosh Parnell, Sandi Rideaux-Miller, Jenise Collins, Samantha Bonaparte, Harrison Duke III, Julie Janusch, Mark Janusch, Ethel Smith, Todd Perkins, Curtis Parnell, Shani Rhodes, Yolanda Burnett, Justin Jozwiak, Sharon Shaw, Sonja Johnson, Arlan Hughes, Diane Patterson, Robert Patterson, Stephen Franklin, Ethel Revels, Annette Lotharp, and yours truly, Cora A. Duncan-Foster. We planned, organized and implemented this project.  I appreciate you all for your enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication. Your role was crucial to the success of our Grandmont Community College Expo.  You are outstanding!

The representatives were: Alabama A & M University, Alabama State University, Alcorn State University, DSDT College Inc., HBCU National Network and College Readiness, Lawrence Technological University, Morris Brown College, Oakland University, Schoolcraft College, University of Michigan Dearborn, Wayne State University, Western Michigan University, Tuskegee University, Wayne County Community College District, AmeriCorps, Detroit Alumni Chapter of Florida Memorial University, Central Michigan University, and The Office of Mary Cavanagh. They were extremely resourceful and enthusiastic. Looking forward to the 2026 Grandmont Community Association College Expo!

Submitted By: Cora A. Duncan-Foster, GCA Scholarship Committee Chair 


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