Citizens, Safety and Security Committee, Street and Block Captains Committee

Your Street and block captains are here for you and are excited to welcome in a new year in Grandmont. 

One major focus this year is obtaining updated contact information for our good neighbors.  This is critical to keep us connected & so you stay informed to what’s going on in our community. 

We kicked off our 1st quarterly Zoom call on Monday, January 13th and talked about what’s going on various streets throughout our community. We have welcomed many new neighbors in 2024 and we are looking forward to meeting new residents this year! 

I was saddened to hear that the past few months, we have lost some of our residents on Rutland & Grandmont. We definitely need to check on our neighbors, especially if they are elderly. 

We are continuing to seek co-captains for each street to partner with block captains in the event that life happens and any unforeseen circumstances arise. 

Our next Zoom will be on Monday, April 14th @ 6:30 pm. I am working with community partners to attend this meeting as well. 

Privileged to serve,

Yolanda L Burnett 

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