A Message from Radio Patrol/Safety and Security Committee
Our patrol was organized over 50 years ago after the 1967 uprising. It is supported by local, county and state law enforcement. We were the fourth patrol to become active in Detroit, hence GRANDMONT PATROL #4. Originally, the patrol used CB radios to communicate, but we currently use official police radios supplied by the Detroit Police Department.
Grandmont #4 Radio Patrol is recruiting and we need your help. Grandmont has 42 blocks to patrol and we only need 1-2 hours a week for you to patrol your community.
As a patrol member, volunteers are trained to look for specific signs while on patrol. They report any suspicious activity to the police and NEVER put themselves in danger or confront suspicious individuals.
If you decide you would like to volunteer or have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Joyce Tatum.
Radio Patrol President